Thursday, January 21, 2016

Conversation Points for Luke 4:14-21

Study Format:
1. Read passage aloud. What did you notice in the reading? What words or phrase caught your attention?
2. Read passage aloud a second time. What questions would you ask the text?
3. Read passage aloud a third time. What do you hear God calling you to do or be in response to this text?

Interesting Ideas to Consider:
• Jesus’ ministry in Galilee is described from the beginning as being “filled with the power of the Spirit” (4:14). The role of the Spirit in Luke is one who “leads, fills, and empowers for prophetic work” (Reese). C.F. Zechariah (Luke 1:15, 67-79), Elizabeth (1:41), Simeon (2:25-32), and John (3:16).
• These opening verses provide a guide for how Jesus’ ministry will unfold. His work will be teaching, the setting often synagogues, powered by the Spirit, resulting in praise, and extending to all.
• Luke 16-20 describes the normal practice of worship in a first century synagogue. A reader would stand to read from the scroll and then sit to exposit on the reading. The one difference is by this time there would be a set triannual reading cycle (much like our lectionary). Luke seems to indicate Jesus choosing his own passage to read and exposit. He goes “off lectionary” if you will.
• The passage Jesus read comes from Isaiah 61:1 and 58:6 • This is the first reference to the poor (ptochoi) in Luke, though it was hinted at in the magnificat. God’s care for the poor is a major theme for Luke.
• “The year of the Lord’s favor” in Isaiah is a reference to the Jubilee year. In Leviticus, every fiftieth year was to be set aside as a time of liberation and restoration. Slaves were to be set free, debts forgiven, and land returned to its original owners. In Luke 4:21, Jesus pushes the concept of a Jubilee year from an every 50 years event, to a radical change in society overall. Instead of a set Jubilee year, in Jesus liberation and restoration becomes the norm.

Works Sourced:
Culpepper, R. Alan. “The Gospel of Luke.” The New Interpreter’s Bible Volume IX. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1995.

Reese, Ruth Anne. “Commentary on Luke 4:14-21.” Working Preacher. January 24, 2016. <>.

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